Pew Poll: Most Americans now support legalization

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Fist time ever. For: 52% Against: 47% It's on all the news sites. Here's a link to the story CBSNews. Wake up Washington D.C.
Probably be forever illegal in my state. Fucking goobers.


Active Member
THEIR IS NO STOPPING THIS TRAIN!!!!! WOOOOO woooooooo!!!!! They just have to figure out how to gain control and a way that we will accept...the black market is no good for them...LEGALIZATION WILL SOON BE A REALITY,,IMO

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
Ugh. I just had a big discussion about this on msnbc.

Let me tell you how it is.

The 52% claim is not only not true, but the number is fudged.
First off, if 52% were in favor of legalization not all 52% would actually vote for it when it came time to and not everyone who said yes in this poll votes. Many, some, most, a few??? of those that say they would vote for some type of legalization would not once they get to the voting booth.

Second misinfo here is the actual number of 52%. This 52% includes those that would "say" they would vote for legalization(not a true 52%), but it also includes those that would vote for some specific type of legalization, many of which mean de-criminalization and/or medical, or very restrictive rec. Many get these words mixed up or don't understand them at all. The true number of those the use daily are less than 10% of us, those that use it occasionally is about 15%, that's 1/4 of the entire population that uses marijuana at all, not a majority by any means. But we are talking about "who are for and would vote for legalization" not who uses. So we can add in the percentage that just think everyone has a right to put into their body what they want(libertarians), people who will benefit from legalization like those with legal marijuana businesses already, rich people or regular folks who have invested already or are planning to and those that just think pot is so cool so they would vote for it, or at least say they would. All added up this is maybe 50% FOR. Meaning only half of the nation, MAYBE, is for some type of legalization, not all out legalization. There are even groups that you'd think would be pro but are not. Those like myself that are AGAINST Legalization by Taxation, growers and dealers who are already established and make good money in the illegal market, users who actually know economics and how government works who know prices will go up in a legal market with regulations and taxes, and on and on. So by any poll, any study or anyone's guess, it's a 50/50 split. But...

Let's talk about the third and real important factor. Where did this 52% claim come from? By that I mean where were the polls taken. Well, from Gallop to Pew, to Fox to Harris, to Rasmussen to Zogby. All of the polls that lean that extra few percent in favor of legalization(some kind at least) are taken in PRO marijuana regions. Almost every marijuana poll excluded the southeast, most excluded the mid-west, and the majority were taken in the southwest and northeast. This will obviously affect poll results on a national level. Also have to take in account the way polls are conducted in the first place. Most of the marijuana polls were very small polls, 2500-7500 people. So that 52%, not even really being 52%, is much much lower.

The feds will never legalize. And the state by state domino affect will not happen for most of the nation IMO. If we were to do an electoral type of vote on legalization(a corrupt and flawed system) then maybe legalization would pass on a national level. But being that's not how it works and that the supporting numbers are fudged to begin with, this is basically all a dog and pony show.
And I'm not really trying to make you a pessimist, I'm trying to get the message through that the shit media says is mostly bullshit. Most polls that don't specifically target actual registered voters tend to have error rates 10x higher, and with all the other factors that make polls basically worthless and true info become misinfo nobody really knows what the American people really think of this issue. Legalization will never be done federally so we will have to wait a decade or more, if the feds don't step in, before we know those actual numbers.

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Well crap! I just invested 10k in zig-zag stock! j/k Still, the numbers are trending upwards and that's a good thing. We've still got a long ways to go but we're heading in the right direction.


Well-Known Member
Well crap! I just invested 10k in zig-zag stock! j/k Still, the numbers are trending upwards and that's a good thing. We've still got a long ways to go but we're heading in the right direction.
I agree. It is good to see the numbers changing directions. I don't know how long it will be but I do think it will end up like the end of prohibition in regards to alcohol. When more states legalize it, the push will come from the states rather than the federal government. Ether way I hope that sooner things will change for the USA as it is silly to prohibit cannabis.
I expect that we will see more Medical states in the next few years. I believe in Illinois their House of Representatives passed it and this is the first time it has happened in their house. It is a step forward in my opinion.