pH before or after nute?


Active Member
Just like the says...should i check / adjust the pH befoe or after the nutes are added?

When i searched everyone seemed to point to a thread with a video link of a fella adjusting a bucket of plain water prior to nutes.

I did some more searching and found people advising newbs to re-check pH after nutes as certain types can throw it off. On my feed days when am i best to check / adjust?



Elite Rolling Society
I use a pH balanced nutrient. And I used to pH my water first, outside the tank, add nutes, then pH test it again. After a dozen times, I quit retesting it, because it stayed stable. I do re-test it in the tank again after I add it to the tank..


Active Member
Thanks guys.

Stupid question, will it say somewhere on the bottle if its ph balanced? I have never noticed that but never really looked for it either.

Another question. If I am correcting the PH on all my waterings / feedings will that in turn keep my soil ph correct?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.

Stupid question, will it say somewhere on the bottle if its ph balanced? I have never noticed that but never really looked for it either.

Another question. If I am correcting the PH on all my waterings / feedings will that in turn keep my soil ph correct?
you should test the water after it goes through the soil, periodically, just to be sure.


Well-Known Member
heres a question for you guys with PH pens

does molasses raise or lower the Ph of water? just wondering


Well-Known Member
heres a question for you guys with PH pens

does molasses raise or lower the Ph of water? just wondering
well, there are different types of molasses and they have different ph'es. I googled it, and many seem to be around 5. so, I'd say it would lower the ph of water.


Well-Known Member
makes sense, its got to be a base acid, thats why my plants like it . i know my mg soil and water PH are high, but it seems to bring it down. thanks


Active Member
From my experience , its better to know for yourself the ph level . whether its before nutes, after, and drainage from the soil just to be sure.


Well-Known Member
PH pen is defiantly my next purchase, first cfl grow i had zero issues, great results. this time upped to hps, and tried some cheap nutes, will be a little better result than last, this shit is just SCIENCE! lol