Ph, CAL, whaa Gwann here?


New Member

What type of medium; soil or hydro? hydro
What brand and type of soil? coco
Indoors or outdoors? indoor
What strain? darl angel, azura haze
How old are the plants?2 months give or take
What type of lights and how many watts? 400 mh
How far from the lights? about a foot
What is your watering frequency and source of water? every 3 days using well water
What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? last nite fed with about have dose of veg nutes
What is the medium/runoff pH and PPM if in hydro? about 7 last checked
What are the temps and humidity in the room? about 24 Celsius
What size pots? 3 and 5 gallon
Any bugs? Look real close. a few fungus gnats
Any other pertinent info? The really droopy ones are the Azura, sativa dominant and older than the others.
Handwatered using H20 then nutes then H20 generally at about 5.8

Not sure whats up here but I think I might loose the Azura and I am thinking either too much or little CAL. The sativa dom is very droopy and sick as well, looks like overwatering or under but dont think its either. Also thought maybe too much n but they were flushed with plain ph'd h2o the lasts too feeds with no improvement. I am on well water maybe too much selenium? Any help would be greatly appreciated. There are a few doing well not pictured but even they are getting some of this problem starting.



Well-Known Member
If your roots are fine.....

looks like advanced magnesium deficiency. possibly caused by too much cal in your water.

Have you tried adding a little epsom to your watering?

Also you mention the runoff ph, what's the runoff ppm? Starting water ppm?


New Member
I bought a bluelab ppm pen that was supposed to be factory calibrated but apparently isnt so cant use yet but....

I did used epsom in a foliar spray 4 days ago, along with some egg shells and nori.. maybe this aggrivated things?

Thanks for your reply much appreciated


Well-Known Member
200ppm of calmag would help. Some extra nitrogen probably would too. Was that flavored nori? That has salt in it.


I have well water also,,, I use a r.o. to get the ppm to 35,,,, my girls looked the same way when my ph was at 6 to 6.5 ,,, adjusted my ph to 5.5 an they are starting to look a lot better,,,