Ph issues


New Member
Happy easter to you all :) !

Ive been noticing I've been having P deficiency for the past two weeks now, i payed it no mind because of how near i am to harvest, (3 weeks away) but i check the ph of my run off and im getting a 5.5 - 6.0 range, ive flushed it with like 4-6 gallons of plain tap water, and the ph still never changed, plus im seeing these clear worms in the water as well .-." What is it that i can do to change my ph back to 6.5 ??? Its very frustrating.


Well-Known Member
Its true, working with this soil called black gold, since then ive seen these little critters in the soil, and in my runoff
Take the best macro shots of them critters if you can. Hopefully gnat larvae and not something destructive, we could probably tell you what it is. If its gnats, its possibly over-watering which could cause ca/mg/p lockout.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
switch to promix. lime is already added and should provide you a buffered root zone with less critters. I get the occasional gnat issue, but not root aphids etc


New Member
Take the best macro shots of them critters if you can. Hopefully gnat larvae and not something destructive, we could probably tell you what it is. If its gnats, its possibly over-watering which could cause ca/mg/p lockout.
You know what, i believe what it is im experiencing is a P lockout, i flushed my soil like 20 times still 6.0 and my leaves show me P deficiency, I truly believe that is my issue, what should i do in cases of lockout?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You know what, i believe what it is im experiencing is a P lockout, i flushed my soil like 20 times still 6.0 and my leaves show me P deficiency, I truly believe that is my issue, what should i do in cases of lockout?
How sad! You did NOT need to flush! NEVER go off half cocked and simply wing it!

1: Soil self pH's! Run off pH is the run off pH ,, NOT the soil's pH!!!
Soil when watered. Will drop it's pH value around a whole point and as it dries back out, it rises back up again!
When you "flush" true soil it will retain moisture too long at levels where the pH stays low to long and can effect the plants by the low pH not allowing proper uptake.....You tend to do more harm then good!

Allow the plant to DRY OUT to the watering point. Water with your normal feed mix and if you don't run a cal/mg...add it for awhile!

2: The littler tiny critters you describe are springtails and pose NO harm - forget about them!

3: STAY CALM AND GROW ON! Don't jump off the handle and be patient! Take deep breaths and ask questions and "wait" for real answers BEFORE you attempt to "correct" theoretical problems!

4: You can ask about P def all you want but, without pics - no actual GOOD answers.
Bet it's P tox if your in bloom! YUP! I'll bet the farm on that - Ptox as your 3 weeks out.....


Well-Known Member
You know what, i believe what it is im experiencing is a P lockout, i flushed my soil like 20 times still 6.0 and my leaves show me P deficiency, I truly believe that is my issue, what should i do in cases of lockout?
Its too late to add anything dry but dolomitic lime would help next time, and if you've flushed 20 times then better replenish the soil with food again. A pH of 6 isnt too bad in soil imo but if you keep itching for 7 then just add the lime next time. if you keep flushing, the soil will stay wet and it will just further lock out ca/mg/p. If you've flushed that many times, just give it a half dose of food and let the damn soil dry before watering again


New Member
Its too late to add anything dry but dolomitic lime would help next time, and if you've flushed 20 times then better replenish the soil with food again. A pH of 6 isnt too bad in soil imo but if you keep itching for 7 then just add the lime next time. if you keep flushing, the soil will stay wet and it will just further lock out ca/mg/p. If you've flushed that many times, just give it a half dose of food and let the damn soil dry before watering again


New Member
Just because you know more about this weed growing shit, doesn't make room for your bullshit attitude, show some fucking respect or keep your comments to yourself.