PH level creeps up.


Active Member
Ok so I rock the barell and buckets, and since I have been using this method have been having a ph problem. I use all organic nutes...from 3dorganics....and occasionally mag-i-cal, pure blend pro grow, pro silicte...and hygrozyme...

OH and one other important variable...
I was having a frothing problem....lots of a washer gone I added some neem oil to cut though it all.

It is mixed to about 800ppm right now.

I create my solution and it is ph stable for about 5 days, then starts to creep up. It will climb about one ph point a day.

My current solution I am trying is to increase the amount of ebb and flow cycles in a day. I theorized maybe the solution that sits in the buckets between cycles is responsible for my ph maybe the level inside the buckets rises from the 88 degree F heat in the grow room and thus when it is pumped into the barrell raises that ph in there. Am I crazy?

Can anyone offer an ahaa moment....I could use one....I hope it is something really stupid I am doing so I can unchain myslef from my plants.


Well-Known Member
ph levels going up usualy means to much nutes try dropping to 700 ppm it should stablize


Well-Known Member
Try not using the Neem Oil in your reservoir. Neem oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It has several different acids in it which can affect your Ph. If your nutrients have a built-in buffer, this could throw the whole thing out of whack. Additionally, I'm not sure that it is intended for use in reservoirs.

Most likely, the foaming which occurs in your reservoir is the result of your nutrients being organic.



Well-Known Member
I can't say that it is bad, but I noticed you're using a lot of different additives to your reservoir. It the foaming could be the result of an interaction. Stop using the Neem Oil in your solution and wait it out. Keep an eye on your Ph and and a closer eye on your plants. If your plants start reacting negatively, then you can start the process of elimination in figuring out what is causing the problem.



Active Member
much appreciated.... i pulled most of the oil from the top layer and it is creeping up slower. .2 in about 6 is just weird how something with acids in it would make the end solution more basic...but im sure there are lots of things going on in there that are way over my head.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
so you have a recirculating system? how big is your rez? here's a handy tool to refer to;
EC goes up, pH goes down = Plants require less nutes
EC goes down, pH goes up = Plants require more Nutes
EC Stable & pH drifting up, = Equalibrium = Good thing!


Well-Known Member
That depends on several factors like stage of growth, res temps, types of nutrients, etc. What are your TDS or EC numbers doing while your Ph drifts?


Active Member
the ev and ppm remain fairly constant...plants are in veg currently

reading into my nutes....I know they are specially formulated....and you were right the dry ohm has a built in buffer....i knew the pure blend pro had one in it thats why I added it...but upon further reading this is adding to the problem as are the other additives...I guess there are delicate balances between funghi and enzymes or something...

it creeps less now...but I think all will be told when I change out the res. and just go with the manufacturer's recommendation instead of mucking it all up


Well-Known Member
Keep it simple man. It's good to have those additives on hand like hygrozyme in case of emergency. The Mag-I-Cal would only be useful if you were showing micro-nutrient deficiencies. Usually nutrient manufacturers don't design their products to be mingled with anything outside of their own product line. Chalk it up to another lesson learned. At least you didn't do any damage to your plants :mrgreen:



Active Member
yeah, did I mention the damage to my plant.....the first time the ph tester was out of calibration to begin with...and I had to leave for two days....

when I returned the plants were totally bright lime in 70% of the leaves. the ppm read 1350 and it was 130 off....and the ph was 8.8 and it was 1.4 off when i recalibrated and ran ro with 300ppm of nutes for 5 days....then started bringing back more of the increments but all together

so yeah, a learning experience...or a total bumble

thanks again



Well-Known Member
No problem. You'll never stop learning with this hobby. It's all about trial and error. Fortunately, there are places like this site so you can learn from their mistakes and become a better gardener :mrgreen:
