Ph problems? Watering? Help my plants droopy don’t know why


Well-Known Member
Going to get more ffof at this moment. Gonna pot up to a 5 gal! We’ll see if that makes a difference


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! I transplanted up to a 4.5 gal pot yesterday and it still seems a little droopy (expected). I was reading some more and I was thinking it could be some light light stress. The HLG is stronger than my other lights and I was looking at pictures of plants in similar situations where an extra light was added or it was put outside and it looks very much like the “hardening off” process is what’s going on with my plant.
Any input to this diagnosis?


Well-Known Member
Looks like you've tried some good tips. Like mentioned a few times, make sure the pot is nice and light before watering. If you think the lights too intense the HLG should have a dimmer screw in the driver. There is a little rubber cap and you use a small phillips head to adjust it. The range is about 50% to 100% power.