Ph tester


Well-Known Member
I got a Ph Tester today it has the meter it goes between 3.5-9 in the bix it reads 7 in my water it is 7 in my soil it is 7 in rain water it reads 7 even used vinager 7.5
This is a Rapitest. Not sure about this thing it cost about $20.00 any suggestions?
What kind of tester are you using?


Well-Known Member
What kind of meter is it? Are you sure its not a soil ph tester,if so you just stick it down in the soil and it will give you your readings.


Well-Known Member
What kind of meter is it? Are you sure its not a soil ph tester,if so you just stick it down in the soil and it will give you your readings.
The Rapitest PH Meter is a Soil meter and they are not very acurate


Well-Known Member
Thanks Ben that is prety hi tech I think this one is going back tomorrow +reps dude