Ph up and down?


Active Member
If I'm using gh nutes, should I stick with gh ph up and down? Or is using a different brand ok? My store has a brand called technaflora that is much cheaper, safe to go with that? Or should I stick with all general hydro?


Well-Known Member
Well I would use any brand if your not concerned with artificial sulfates. If you want to go organic however I believe General Organics makes a ph up/down or was that thier CaMg+? hmmmm not sure actually. I know Earthjuice makes a natural pH adjustment if GO doesnt


Active Member
Any ph ups n downs will b good for your situation if u grow organically then I would recommend earth juice's "natural up n natural down" crystals. Btw general organics line does not include n organic up n down or I would b using it. Those r my nutes