ph up


i have been looking everywhere on how to raise the ph in my nutrient solution,
i have come across hydrated lime but it only tells you to mix this into the soil.
my question is would this raise the ph if i mix it into water? if so is it safe to do so?

i also saw some aquarium ph up/down, would this work for plants?

also baking soda? any info on them would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Hydrated lime has low solubility in water which can cause issues. Adding hard tapwater works for smallish ph increases, its the cheapest option for nutes + reverse osmosis water. Potassium hydroxide (KOH,aka caustic potash) is much stronger and adds K to the mix. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH, aka caustic soda) is another option but be aware it will add some sodium (Na) to the mix.


Active Member
Can you find these locally? If not Amazon and other online shops will ship it to you :mrgreen:

General Hydroponics pH Up and Down (powder, 2.2 lb bags), a little goes a long way ;-)



New Member
Pro-Silica or other silica based products work well for ph up, also beneficial to the girls, makes them strong and happy


Well-Known Member
some advice get the right shit .called ph up, can go to a hydro store even a swimming pool store, homedepot , lowes. any hardware store, why mess with that lime bull shit? your number will be all over the place .