Phelps and His Bong


Active Member
What do you guys think of all the publicity around Phelps's bong smoking? I personally think it is rediculous how much attention it is getting. I also am surprised how Mary Jane is looked at so negatively and yet you see everyone smoking it.:leaf:

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I can't believe they aren't talking about the giant wang that was shown during the superbowl :)

And when they are talking about the swimmer---the talking heads act like they don't know what a bong is---yea right :)


Well-Known Member
Its only the geezers and brainwashed religious right that have a problem with the weed. Anyone with an ounce of intellect can see through the smokescreen put up by the corporations that would loose mass amounts of money if the truth got through to the masses. This Phellps story reaffirms the mindless zombies pass judgment on those who think freely. God whats next? Obama smoked weed in the Oval office with an intern and burns her blue dress with the cherry of a marijuana cigarette.:leaf: