Pic problems Please help driving me nuts


Active Member
I have photos of an LSD grow, and my current grow and I can't load them, its driving me insane I have tried the normal loader and basic loader I browse files, click em, click upload then leave it and it just loads and loads, as you can imagine this drives me mad as I took so much info from this site and I cant put any back in. It let me do it for 4 pics then that was it thank god one of them was ma avatar pick. Please help me :wall:


I've been having the same problem. The little circle of dots, indicating that uploading is underway, just spins and spins. I have let it do this for hours and nothing. I even posted my pics at photobucket and tried to upload them from there. NOTHING! I even went into internet options/secuity/trusted sites and listed rollitup as a trusted site. NOTHING! I'm able to upload pics at other forums sites.

I was going to start a thread asking for help but I see it hasn't got you very far.


Active Member
Ye thats the one, I left it for like an hour as well and Ive tried it loads lol. Well its like fishing, Ill just watch the thread and hope lol


Yes using manage attachment button. Trying to upload 1 pic jpeg 800x536 40.6KB

Thanks for your help

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I'm not that keen with the way the picture uploader works. maybe the image is to big? that's just a wild guess though, probably not the answer. I've never had that problem happen to me before. sorry I can't be of any help. just hang in there and hopefully someone who knows what to do will find this thread and offer assistance.


Active Member
well thats that went to reply go advanced insert pic and boom- setting up my thread now, seriously thankyou!