Pick Up Lines


Well-Known Member
so im in a wheelchair paralized from the waist down and my pickup line at the bars is "i cant feel my dick so the sex isnt all about me anymore. ;)" gotta toss a wink in. its actually gotten me laid. lol. some chicks just have a wierd wheelchair fetish. lmao.


Well-Known Member
I knew a guy who would say, "Hi, instead of me taking you on a date to dinner, and buying you flowers, can I just give you $50 and we go back to my place now?"

Worked from time to time


Well-Known Member
I've never tried using a pickup line on anyone... Especially not a girl... I get scared of pretty girls because I swear you can feel them evaluating you with their eyes some times X3


Well-Known Member
I have never had to use a pickup line in my life. I don't even usually talk, it's really weird. My theory is that girls love a guy who really cares about his grooming. The reason I believe that is because every time I'll notice, say, an eyebrow hair out of line, I just lick it back into place and within seconds the girlies are mobbing my table. Clean up guys!
"Sorry to interrupt, but I left my contact case and I can't seem to find it?" Create a moment you will experience together, get her name, and if she does help and not blow you off treat her to a coffee! YOUR WELCOME! lol