picking an outside grow area?!? please read!!


Well-Known Member
everyone knows when ur looking for a prime grow area ur always looking for a nice rich dark soil.

but once you get this prime location and youve dug up the soil and mixed the topsoil with some compost....say my soil's PH is about 5.5

what would i do next?:wall:


Well-Known Member
well, if you're doing all that... you could add some fine dolomite lime to the soil, working it in a bit.

and/or post in the 'outside growing' forum, where the outside pro's are more likely to visit and be able to answer your question, much better than i can.

(EDIT) and/or not ask the very same question in another thread 2 seconds after asking the first question.

and/or read the FAQ's on general mary jane growing cuz you are asking some very basic questions.