[PICS] 1st grow - my 4 random bagseed plants - What kind of weed is this?


Active Member
Hey there - short introduction.
These are the 4 remaining plants out of the 9 seeds I started. (3 died due to me learning, 2 were male, these 4 are female).

I have no idea what kind of plant they are. Based on these pictures, what can you tell me?

I acknowledge that ideally I should have transplanted them out of the party-cups, but for my first grow I wanted to keep it simple and not go crazy. They were vegged under 4x6500k flourescents for approx 3 weeks, and have been on 12/12 now under 2700k flourescents for about a week and a half-two weeks now. I've been very sparing with the neutrients, and typically water them every 3 days. (On a two plant rotation, I put the ones I wanter on top of the lids so the water drains there).

Any comments and suggestions are welcome, but more importantly, WHAT KIND OF MARY-JANE IS THIS? I think it's incredible my little camera on macro mode can pick up the trichomes. Really awesome.

First, the overall photo:

This is my FAVORITE PLANT, #1, furthest right: (Notice the red pistils) - She's always been the tallest.

This is the plant 2nd from the right:

This is the 2nd from the left:

This is the far left plant:

New Grower 420

Active Member
but whats the point your guna harvest 1 nug from each plant you might end up with a dime of what looks to be kill you wasted those man if you wanted them to stay small transplant into 1 gallon or 2 gallon pots hell you might have ended up with a half that way.pritty much a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
I see no problem with growing plants that small. For some people, that's all they need. And there's certainly benefits to running small plants: less electricity used, less nutrients, and definitely helps keep the odors at bay.

New Grower 420

Active Member
man you prolly would have larger plants if you veged em abit longer maybe more like 5-6 weeks since there in small containers that prolly would have helped out your yeild abit more.they do look like they have potential to be some good smoke though lots of tics.