*Pics* How is my 2 week old?


Well-Known Member
She (Hopefully) is 2 weeks old today. I planted her in Mericle-Gro indoors and all I have done is got her 2 flourescent lights and water her with pure water. What are "nutes" I am assuming they are nutrients? when should I start using them. Anything else I should start doing?

EDIT: I have a fan on her too.



Well-Known Member
Lookin good. Keep it up. Look in the Organics section for cheap/homemade nutrients that you can use at almost any time.


Well-Known Member
since your using soil check out the FOX FARM PRODUCTS.. ie. Ocean Forrest & bat guano... they have great stuff...

start lightly feeding nutes at about 3-4 weeks of age...

Looks great jannabitch!!

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
what kind of Miracle grow soil are you using? if its anything other than the organic, you will only need to water it until your ready for veg or transplant. the organic MG soil has a low NPK maybe like 5-2-1. but all the others have a N of around 21. i used MG moisture control on my last grow and never used on ounce of grow nutes, just straight PH'd water and sometimes molasses or a supplement, but no nutes


Well-Known Member
what kind of Miracle grow soil are you using? if its anything other than the organic, you will only need to water it until your ready for veg or transplant. the organic MG soil has a low NPK maybe like 5-2-1. but all the others have a N of around 21. i used MG moisture control on my last grow and never used on ounce of grow nutes, just straight PH'd water and sometimes molasses or a supplement, but no nutes

It just says "Mericle-Gro Potting mix"

EDIT: I'm using this one http://www.jacksonbros.com/images/miracle-gro.jpg


Well-Known Member
start feeding it when its between 3-4 weeks of age at 1/4 dosage.... check out the fox farm website for detailed info......

most nutes have a 3 part system (npk -boost, grow & bloom) and most need mixtures.. its pretty easy when you get the hang of it.. also most errors are done when giving at full strength.. so i highly reccomend starting slow...

best of luck

right now tho, just water for another week or 2

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
Sweet!! So I wont ever need nutes? or should I get some for flowering?
i never had to use anything other than bloom nutes and supplements. i went into flower at about 2 months and flowered for about 2 months and never needed grow nutes. you do have to be careful to water them enough because if you dont they could get nute burn using that soil. i had not used MG moisture control before but i worked really well.

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
Another question...

When will the plant flower? And will I need to get more lights for it?
i usually start flowering about 1 1/2 to 2 months in. i like to keep mine short so i dont veg too long. you will need more lights though. you will probably need about 4 flouros before you start to flower i would think. i only use flouros for supplemental light in addition to a 400 hps, so i dont know how many total you would want to stick in there.

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
then if you have the room and want to get a light check these out
High Tech Garden Supply

i havent used one yet but have been thinking about it for a while. you will prob have to have something with at least 8-10k lumens to produce some good bud. its pretty cheap too. i dont personally like having a bunch of clf bulbs, you put out a little bit of money and get something along these lines.