Pics of Nebula and Super Silver.. weeks away


Well-Known Member
Here's my Nebula from paradise and super silver from greenhouse.

I've been focusing on the Nebula. They are in a seperate 35l tub and have had more care. The amount of trichs is insane... sadly not really visible in the pic but you will see from the white glow they are reflecting back. Still all looking cloudy with a sparkle but all lower pistiles colouring now.

Sadly one of the Nebulas has gone slightly to seed. I'm not sure if this is from feminised seeds, a light leak, flowering too long or a trace of a male from a while back; but the seeds are very immature and small and only in the lower branches so I have just about got away with it. The top cola looks unaffected I hope and is still growing and throwing out bud sites.

The Super silvers have not had as much care or soil but are coming along also. A couple of weeks there. They just missed out on my new nutes.

I'll be trying some Lowryder2 just for a quick crop next time and vegging some plants alongside them halfway through. Maybe I'll try posting that as more of a journal. I'll be trying purely organic nutes on the lowryder (advanced nutrients super tea, organic seaweed) so we'll see how it goes. Remember, I'm usually an outdoor gardener!


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Well-Known Member
Sounds like an interesting plan - I look forward to following this one. I want to see how that organic regimen works out for you. (I debated doing that myself, but I figured to go a simpler route my first time in hydroponics.)


Well-Known Member
I must say the Nebula and Super Silver clones are responding wonderfully to the Advanced Nutrients Super Tea organic nutrienet.

I feel like Im safer with experimenting with dosages as it's all made of good stuff.

The only other things I'm using on the cuttings (no photos yet sorry) is a small aount of organic seawedd extract when potting on for strength or a tiny drop in my fizzy water when I do my daily CO2 spray.

I also mix a bit (timy amount) of blood, bone and fish to the soil mix along with pearlite and tne compost I can find with least pre-mixed nutrients.

My only cheat is a TINY bit of Ionic Boost (1ml to a litre) as this is great for flowering and also hopes to buffer the PH from any mistakes.

I'll get a picture up as it's certainly the bushyest clone ive ever taken, and shes had quite a trim already!

good luck people, keep on growing, tell your neighbours to grow, tell everyone..... then we will win the WAR!!!