Picture of your pet thread !!!


Ursus marijanus
This one grew and grew. Finally i had to release it into the wild. Imagine my gratification when I found that it did not just survive, but found a great nest tree and is so close to attracting a mate. Unfortunately I could not stay to see if they really did begin to intertwine in erotic rapture. cn



Well-Known Member
^ LOL, you went through quite the phase eh?

But seriously, I think that gif I posted might be the post adorable thing I've ever seen. The way it bounces?! MY GOD! My face is melted.


Well-Known Member
Good morning Guys!! Glad to see u've had some fun!! Keep the thread going! have a good weekend!!

Ps Why has no-one asked me to be their pet? I don't need a good home, just regular feeds and lots of affection. Plus I'm house trained. It's a sad fact of life, we grow out of our cuteness. :(


Active Member
Good morning Guys!! Glad to see u've had some fun!! Keep the thread going! have a good weekend!!

Ps Why has no-one asked me to be their pet? I don't need a good home, just regular feeds and lots of affection. Plus I'm house trained. It's a sad fact of life, we grow out of our cuteness. :(
think the mrs would kill me if i had another pet lol, couldn't keep the cat out of the coffin he claimed it, got a few people worried when i brought that home with me LMAO


Well-Known Member
plus good mornin hun hows you? got work in a bit so will be putting update on seeds later, bye for now
Have a good day at work. I think ur Mrs might be right about my cat having Tonkinese in him. I had to Google it after ur mentioned it yesterday and they don't look a million miles apart. He was about 6-7 mths when I found him. The neighbours don't know where he came from and there were no others. It could be possible his Dad was a Tonkinese dirty stop out and liked to get a leg over the street cats. Ur wife certainly knows her breeds!! I just thought he was a Siamese cross. I love him anyway!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning Guys!! Glad to see u've had some fun!! Keep the thread going! have a good weekend!!

Ps Why has no-one asked me to be their pet? I don't need a good home, just regular feeds and lots of affection. Plus I'm house trained. It's a sad fact of life, we grow out of our cuteness. :(
Wait what? I said come with me and Tip Top! He gives the bestest scratch behind the ears :3 *wagwagwagwag* Affection you say? Do you like rolling around in blankies and stuffed animals? Mutual grooming every day... As long as you don't fucking touch my squeaky toys, bitch...

Hehe ^^; xxx


Ursus marijanus
Wait what? I said come with me and Tip Top! He gives the bestest scratch behind the ears :3 *wagwagwagwag* Affection you say? Do you like rolling around in blankies and stuffed animals? Mutual grooming every day... As long as you don't fucking touch my squeaky toys, bitch...

Hehe ^^; xxx
If you think they're squeaky toys, you're probably being too rough with them. :mrgreen: cn


Well-Known Member
I think I'll start another thread soon?? Something like 'how much do u judge people by their avatar?' I've seen some pretty strange ones on the site with people refusing to help until they change it. Prob put myself in the firing line too but I don't mind!!