Pig Wax?


Active Member
Hey Sub, you had mentioned in another thread that you no longer endorse the Pig Wax method of extraction and that you were going to make a video to explain why, but you didn't go into any detail. I haven't seen you post a video on YT to expand on this, so I'm just kind of curious as to the why's and what-for's if you're willing to share with us.

Thanks, brother.


Well-Known Member
IMO extracts cause serious lung damage and is an excessive way to medicate.
I know this because I have been diagnosed with the lungs of a 84 year old.
Before I started smoking wax full time I had zero respiratory problems.
I feel an intire generation is setting them selves up for COPD and worse.

YOur stripping the most caustic parts of a natural plant chemically and then heating that substance up with a blow torch.
Does this sound healthy?

I am embarrassed I ever taught how to make it to be honest.

Subcool says Don't smoke wax and everything in moderation


Well-Known Member
lol im glad im not the only one. i smoked wax for a week straight and I thought i was dieing.

i barely smoke it now, maybe 1-2 a month. do you still enjoy bubble hash or have you returned back to only smoking your fantastic flowers?

that brings to mind a recent trip to my dispensary. they have a nectar bar with really impressive extracts! but the people partaking would go into what sounded like asthmatic coughing/choking for almost a minute!

fuck that lol


Active Member
Well, hot damn. I'm glad I never bothered. And I'm double glad that I have my trusty set of bubble bags. :)

Thanks for the explanation, it makes total sense.


Well-Known Member
so are you suggesting not to smoke too much of ANY extract or wax specifically? i thought you were all about bubble. are your thoughts the same on bubble?


Well-Known Member
Its not just how long its how much I was like Pookie in New Jack City hitting my little pipe 30-40 times a day
I went through about a qp of wax in 3 months

HAHA! Yah man, I bought a stainless steal turkey baster and made a small wax batch a few months back after your "pig wax" post. I got maybe 3 grams off a couple runs and it lasted me a week or so. After the week was up my lungs were way more toast than usual.
It seems bubble hash also takes a toal on the lungs as well. I pretty much enjoy smoking flowers more than anything but the vape comes in handy when you need a break. You ever find a vape that worked for you Sub?
My Vaporbrothers hands free has treated me well...



Well-Known Member
I think Bubble is not as bad for you as Wax but the unnatural expansion it creates will cause COPD.
I still love bubble but I take small hits and as a treat not all day all night
I own several vapes and they all anoy me the high is diff and so is the flavor.
These day I dont wake and bake I do lots of cardio and put off getting high as long as possible each day.
I find I enjoy each session more and this gives my leather bags time to recoup some.

Not everyone is a pot fiend people that get high on the weekends or a few times a week dont have the same worries I think.
But thats not who most of you are :)

I know you your my peeps

Champion Tokers :)



Well-Known Member
Lol I been smokin a oil a few times a day. But I vacuum. Purge it 4x @ 23hg @ 170 F

And i don't breath any butane when I take hita, I heat glass and "vape" the oil.

I found a pink plushberry pheno in a 5 pack of reg seeds and both my females are super frosty.

Can't decide if ill make bubble or oil with the plushberrys.

But they do smell.. rotten... but in a good fruity way. Very unique. Maybe not fully rotten and decayin but sour mushy fruit