Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro


i see bro. im about to start overdrive on my white russians next week. i loved what big bud did to the buds. im excited to see what overdrive can do.


Active Member
Looking sexy. The KK is starting to pack on weight. The PE is just turning into a fat bitch. I can't stress how much I love this strain.


Overall: ( yes I also have a 250w on the kk for side light if you didn't see the post about it before but it was moved to take the pic

PE nuggs everywhere:

And the money shot. This pic gives me a half chub!!!


Damn bro, that's some good looking Pineapple Express. It makes me want to watch the movie. +rep dude.
Hey can point me towards a detailed scrog guide w/ pics? I need to learn how to do that. Does it increase bud production by a lot? I'm very interested in Scrog.


Active Member
Damn bro, that's some good looking Pineapple Express. It makes me want to watch the movie. +rep dude.
Hey can point me towards a detailed scrog guide w/ pics? I need to learn how to do that. Does it increase bud production by a lot? I'm very interested in Scrog.
Thanks. Hell yes it does. That's only 2 plants man. You can look back through mine. Mine starts from vegging and weaving. Scog is pretty easy. Just build a screen a foot above the plants and let them grow a couple inchs thru the screen. Then pull them back down to a further point. Keep doing it till 75 % screen is full. Got to use some good nuts too tho. Any ?s just ask.


Do you pull it down the opening it came out from or the next opening. Is it basically weaving your plants? I'll look through your grow to try and understanding scrogging. How many more weeks until harvest? Keep it up!


Active Member
Thank you. Yes you just move it to next square. The idea is you are making the plant grow horizontally to make new and more colas. You don't really weave. You pull it back under and put it in a further area so the side of it gets light and colas grow from the side. If you look like half way back you will see a under screen shot showing how the plant grows.


Thanks dude! I'll probably do this with my Purple Mazar grow And maybe my Ruderalis Indica. Can't wait 'till my seeds get here. It's going to be a very small grow op.
+rep for the info. I fully understand ScrOG now. Hopefully I'll get 2-4 oz a plant.