Pink Panther Atl, share some pics

Hi everyone, today I want to share with you some of my girls that I have in the seeding room. I came across these pink panther seeds, a friend from ATL gave them to me. placed it here because it´s not for growing advice, these are just pics to toke to.

I really don´t know much about the genetics on this one, what I do know is that it was some bomb chronic called Pink Panther, and I want to keep the strain alive. These 4 girls have the room real stinky, so its going good with the resin production.

My friend that´s the one with the pro camara and the camara ability is out of town for a bit, but it´s not stopping me from sharing. If anyone has any suggestions for me on how to increase quality of pic whitout software editors, please I´m all ears/eyes.

I´m using a Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ5 6mega pix- I live somewhat secluded, a weed bit into the jungle, so I don´t have the option of just going to the mall or a store.

here is the link for the pics january 20 2011/

I just find the pink color really exotic, these are like special pets in the garden. About the breeding for seeds, I´ve always been paranoid and prefer to buy my seeds, but this one is really special.

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Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
What are you paranoid about breeding your own seeds? Is it because you don't want to sacrifice yeild? I think they are worth keeping around too. I think pink is the coolest color I've seen in MJ also. Check out TGA's plushberry that's gonna be released soon. Here's mine but just an oddball I think.


yup, paranoid in the sense that the pollen is delicate, one gust of wind or the fan blowing the wrong way will contaminate the entire grow show. Nugs with seeds lose a lot of value. So I placed these on their own real far away from the rest in a seperate room all together.

Because I work with different strains, I´ve preferred to clone from the mother and avoid the risky pollen all together. I find it easier to source the seeds and focus on production. All 4 of those are sacrifice yield, nugs to deseed. What´s left from that is so touch and smashed that I just give it away.

I figure I´ll get at least 250 seeds from each one.