Pink pistils!? need info...have pics

Organic Mechanic

Active Member
I've never had pistils grow in this pink/purple color before. almost 3 weeks into flower and still growing more every day. It was a random bagseed so no idea on the strain...any info or advice as to what this is would be great. Pics are a little shitty but you can get the idea...:leaf:



Well-Known Member
I had this happen on some bagseed before. They ended up turning white, then eventually orange. Even on nugz that I harvested when still pink, they were orange once dried.


Well-Known Member
we share the same plant! what state? my pink pistils went almost away @ week #7 flowering, now kind of like a dark color, sweet scent, cool lookin buds, i have like a week to go


Well-Known Member
damn it me too.......... we are on to something here some well spread around northern bagseed?

Organic Mechanic

Active Member
my junk ass camera won't take any better pics, dissapionting b/c the pics i posted don't do her justice. As soon as i find a decent cam i'll post 'em. hopefully tonight....

Organic Mechanic

Active Member
def. way more fluffly, got pretty f'n cold past few turned to dark purple, it'd be a whole lot cooler if i had a camera that would take a fucking picure!:wall:

