Pkush 400watt Closet Grow LA Cheese & Green Crack


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day 22: Fed the babies yesterday. Also did some mild cutting to get some more light can hit the inner branches. everything looks great
the green crack branches are getting long and tall. Not that much longer until i move them to flower


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day 24: Fed them again today. They are pretty big now. on day 30 i will be moving them to flower.
I trimmed of the lower leafs that were just taking away energy and also slowing some more to the inner branches.
Tomorrow i will take some pics and post them. i am feeding them at full strength already.


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day 25: Babies blew up this morning. Took some pictures. I was able to find the white hairs to indicate that they are female! had to dodge check you know?!
anyways. more than liking i will not be topping this time. i will just manicure and grow them with a little bit of LST. but here are some pics! its been awhile since
you seen the babies ^.^. I will be feeding at full strength for now on. until i move to flower!



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day 27: Babies are big now! i removed my little table that they were sitting on. now they are sitting on the floor. Been feeding them at full strength.
Branches are coming in super strong and big! just how i like it! i trimmed some of the big fan leafs off. going to keep the smaller ones on there. I can already
tell these LA/cheeses are going to be some dank. same with the green crack. I did spot some mistreated leafs from when i pitched some of the leafs off
so i can have more light hitting the inner branches. Going to be feeding them again today. Soil likes to dry up every 2 days.

I will be moving to flower in about 3 - 6 more days.
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day 29: Did some more trimming. I can't believe how big my fan leaves were! bigger than my face almost ahahah. Tomorrow my babies go into flower
They area show the presigns of females. due to pre-flower in veg. Here are some pictures.


Active Member
looking good! ive been wanting to grow green crack since the first time i smoked it! how big is your grow area?


Active Member
looking good! ive been wanting to grow green crack since the first time i smoked it! how big is your grow area?
Thanks man. my room space is about 3x8. i have plenty of room for 5plants thank goodness lol. Yeah so far the green crack has been very nice.
well all the plants have been very good they love the nute that i give them every 3 days. I was going to throw them into flower. But i just got done
tieing down some bottom branches and will be doing some more today. So the will be in veg for another 10 days.

They already show pre/flower signs so i know they are female ^.^ So little more LST then to flower.
I will take a picture before i leave this morning. so you can see how lovely they look. Note. the non tagged ones are green crack.


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Day 30: Last night i decided to give them another 10days in veg so the my bottom branches can get that light penetration!
Did little bit of LST last night. and will be doing little bit more tonight. Here are some pics over 24hrs that have changed!

The 1st four pictures are Green Crack The others are LA/Cheese!


Active Member
Day 31: did alot more lst lastnight followed by some more trimming. i want those inner branches to grow! before i switch them to flower.
Check out these bad girls now!


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day 32: Decided to move them already to flower. i didn't want to take the chance of having to transplant again.
Started feeding them Pure Blend Pro Bloom 1-4-5. 3-4weeks til i can get start using BloomBlastic.

The reason why after trimming all those leaves and tieing down the inner branches. they aready grew the way to wanted them
towards the light. So i tought to myself, ummm its time. Next time i grow from seed i will most def buy some bigger pots so i can veg longer.