Planning Outdoor grow. Need help

Alright guys my indoor grow is going well except for the lack of decent lights but I want to try outdoor this summer.

I am under a time restraint as I will be able to start growing March 10 and I'll be leaving for college August 20th which gives me 15 weeks total. My brother will be home a week earlier so he'll get started on the seeds.

Is this grow even plausible? I have plenty of discrete space to grow and I plan on having around 6 or 7 plants. I will start with 30 or so seeds and only keep the strongest plants.

If this grow is possible then my next question is about yield. If I harvest them early will I loose most of my yield? I've been told that the weight increases a ton towards the end.

I guess if I were going to put a number on it I'm wanting to grow around 3-4 lbs this summer. IS this at all possible? Am I giving myself too much credit as a noob in thinking that each plant would produce around half a lb?