"Plant attacked by mice" update


Well-Known Member
for thos of you who read my plant attacked by mice thread, this is an update on how the girl is doing, the girl that got attacked.
after the attack she had very few leaves, and looked bad., i didnt kno if she would recover...
now she looks great, and looks like she will grow like crazy soon.
here are 2 pics of here now, im going to try and find a before pic...


Active Member
A buddy of mine was living out of a small camper after his wife of eighteen years got pregnant by someone else and divorced him. (Of course he had to pay her, that's why he lived in a camper) He was living on a farm and had mice problems eating his pot. Every night he could hear the mice running up and down along the wall, then into his pot. He said he could hear them sounding like Speedy Gonzalez every time they ran along the wall. Finally he put the pot in a metal container and placed a metal street sign along the well traveled wall. That night was something special, he thought he heard the sound of EEEpi, EEEpi, Ehaw, then BANG, Dead Silence! Evidently the Speedy Gonzales mouse had run into the street sign along the wall and came to a dead stop! He was laughing so hard he stayed outside most of the night trying to get his breath from laughing!

No it doesn't just happen in Cartoons!
Enjoy this one people!


Well-Known Member
well, good story..gave me a good laugh. and yes Death To the Mice!

quick question: what will cause slow plant growth??


Well-Known Member
you kno, i thought i was going to get similar remarks to yours, when i posted that question last night....but honestly...besides maybe the shock of being humped by a mouse? what else will cause slow growth?

You make me laugh victor


Well-Known Member
if you think the area is too cold, get a small heater with a built in thermostat. if you've got the extra cash buy a weather station with a add on sensor that does humidity and a max/min function. Then you can see how cold it gets at night and how hot it gets in the afternoon.