Plant color changes.. Opinions?...


Well-Known Member
What do you think of plants who's leafs turn pink/purple/blackish or pale yellow during flush? It is obvious it is a deficiency.
I by far prefer the taste of plants which have had a good long flush. but along with that comes the deficiency. so logically if you know the variety your growing and its estimated harvest period, u can time the flush... which would leave you with clean fertilizer free tasting plants.
A friend at the growshop saw pictures of my plants and all he could say is Thats really bad nutrient deficiency. And after tasting it he couldnt believe that it was the same plant he saw, that he was smoking.

I believe flushing, and YES causing a deficiency right before the harvest is a beneficial factor to the taste and high of the bud.

Im sure you can have even more crystalized bigger buds if you didnt flush, but you can spot them out too easily. Tasteless and harsh... although they look mighty prrrty ..

soooo, i would love to know what other people think....

take it easy,



I had a friend who did a little grow about a year ago. While he was flushing one of his plants (powerplant/romulan) turned totally black. To this day it is still the best weed I have ever smoked.


Well-Known Member
awsome!! I would love to try any variety from subcool. I got his book, and romulan Really looks yummy!

Take it easy aetneerg