plant dead?

my friend has tried growing a good seed and it sprouted but im not sure what type of light he has but im pretty sure it burnt the tips of the 2 biggest leaves. I have taken the plant and put them under some CFL's. Just so you know the sprout is only about an inch and a quarter tall, but the 2 leaves that are there are brown at the tips and it hasn't grown in 4-5 days. The leaves have curled inward but the plant hasn't changed in color or LOOKS, and about 75-80% of the 2 leaves are NOT burnt and still very green. My common sense would tell me its dieing, but its always nice to get comments/suggestions from more knowledgeable people. Thanksps. (i have put a little thrive alive+sugar daddy in to give it some help) doesnt seem to help compared to my other plants


Ursus marijanus
Probably overfed (the tip burn) and overwatered (the curl and stall). But that's from the Braille Mirror. cn


Active Member
Start over. Think about it...In the time it takes those to recover you could have another one already started and as far along.
I'd post a pic but the camera i have KILLS batteries. brand new batteries will be dead in 6-7 minutes. Its a very small closet grow and my other 2 plants that are doing well should be fine for me. I just wanted to try to save it because the seed came from some DANK.


Active Member
yeah i would dump the plant even if you did recover it the vigor is possibly lost and the plant may just run into more problems. Plant a new seed and within a week or so youll or your friend will be in the same spot just with a healthy plant. Dont feed any nutrients untill atleast 3 sets of leaves just to be sure. Cfls wont burn it unless they touch or come within 1-2 milimeters. Best bet would be just to start a new seed or two and learn from mistakes. And since you have other plants you can still make some dank. But if you flower under the CFLs your gonna most likeley end up with some airy bud. I had 250 wats of cfls in a 3x3x3 area and only came out with about 10-12 grams with 2 plants.


Well-Known Member
Before I got a 400 wattHPS I grew with CFL'S 750 actual watts and always got about an oz from each plant, (3 plants).
ok thanks for the tips newbie9, MUCH appreciated. @ProfessorPotSnob lol im serious, my friends light produces quite a bit of heat and im sure thats what had did it. I know he also water'd everyday so that may have had some affect as well. Thanks again all for your opinions/comments.