Plant deficiency Not sure if Potassium or nitrogen


New Member
Hey guys this wonder women strain is in her 3rd week of flower and over the weekend i noticed a few of these leaves appear after I defoliated her a bit on Saturday. I am not sure if this is nitrogen or potassium deficiency. and If it is how to treat it. If I can get some input I would really appreciate it. Temps are running a high of 82F during the day and 75F during lights off, watered every three days and she is in Virago organic soil mixed with per-lite about 70/30 mix.



Well-Known Member
I think its....umm....


wait. no.

manganese! yeah, thats it.

flush and add some molasses. that should do something. ;)

seriously though.

looks like classic Ca issues. Common in flowering. What is your water source? What is the ppm/EC reading? Do your base nutrients contain Ca & Mg?

Where did you get the idea of an N/K def?
Grab you some Cal Mag my friend!

N defic is when they turn pale(N needed to produce lack of chlorophyll, aka "chlorosis, less chlorophyll=less green)
K defic is usually has tip+margin burn, and chlorosis on older foliage.

Hope this helps ya out!
too much k will lock out calcium.
True, as shown here (lot's of interactions - but some help each other too, lockouts are not as simple as people would like to believe (and this isn't even PH-related!)):

View attachment 2926834

However, IMHO, a real lack of calcium only will show only on new growth first.

Problem is that a single problem often makes another worse, so diagnosing problems by looking at leaf-color-charts are hard (almost meaningless).

In real life, a single deficience (lack of one element only) is rare, IMHO.