plant dried up 3 days before schedualed harvest what should i do -pics

was going to give it 48 hours darkness and hervest sunday, plant dried really bad and not sure ifi should still wait or harvest now, indica and trichs are 40 clear 50 cloudy 10 amber heres some pics


Def not overwatering just didn't get home to water yesterday watered last on Friday , so darkensss Friday night till Sunday then harvest ?


Well-Known Member
just chop that girl, cut all the yellow fan leaves off, hang her upside down, cure, and smoke. I must admit, for a CFL grow that is one hell of a good job my friend. I'd guess you'll yield 3-4oz. What strain is that?


Well-Known Member
I'll admit it's hard to gauge your yield because I have nothing of reference to go on in the pics. Would it be possible for you to hold a Pepsi can or lighter next to that top cola and re-post. If it's as big as it looks I'd be very very surprised if you didn't get at least 2 oz and probably 3-4. But again, a pic with some reference would be a useful tool for those of us reading this thread to help guesstimate how much you'll yield. again, nice work.


Well-Known Member
After seeing your pic I'd say 1.5-2 oz. Thanks for the context and quick response! Still, under a CFL being one plant....that's a nice harvest.

That thing is done dude. Chop it down. Sweet Tooth is primarily an indica and will flower anywhere from 55-65 days. I'd say you're right in the sweet spot. 10% amber trichs is where I like to harvest. But there are a million opinions about that one. Some say to chop when all are cloudy, some say to wait til most are amber, almost everyone agrees if they have no cloudy or amber they are not ready. You're all good. Chop that thing and get the trimming/drying/curing process going.


so question my plant should be ready by 8 weeks? my plant start on christmas and still isnt budded