Plant dying, need help!!!


New Member
This is my very first grow guys, and it's been 4 weeks without any problems but one of my six plants are getting some serious discoloration in its bottom leaves and they look like they are dying off, and it's weird how it's only happening to that one plant, I use rockwool cubes with a dripper and my water solution is always at a constant 5.8 ph... Can anyone help me plz...
oh yea and the strain is cheese btw image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
What nute strength are you at? Going by manufacturers directions? First off, the plants aren't dying, though you do have a problem. I'll hazard a guess with the limited info provided. Top picture shows very dark leaves indicating high nute levels. Also a tiny bit of burn is visible on a few leaf tips..though it's so tiny it's hard to tell. On the bottom picture though, the tip of that yellow leaf looks brown and crispy.

So lower your nutrient levels. Maybe a little flush.

So it's rockwool surrounded by hydroton? Are you aerating the water well? Rockwool holds moisture more then some hydro media. Check to make sure your airstone is working and isn't clogged.

So those are my thoughts just to get things started. Get back to us on the nute levels please.


New Member
I use the flora series for my nutes, and I just follow the directions on the bottle, the airstone isn't clogged I just checked... And that's clay potting pellets surrounding the rockwool


New Member
Plus as I said it's only that one plant out of 6 that I have under the same conditions and all the rest are doing great


Well-Known Member
You mean you are at full nutrients per the bottle direction? That's the info I was looking for. Manufacturers directions are usually too high so back off a bit like I said earlier.


Well-Known Member
Jgb. How are you feeding? That looks like a dripper in one photo. I saw some scattered spots on some of the leaves. Could those spots be caused by some nute solution on the leaves? My leaves don't like it at all when I sling alittle nuted water on 'em.:-P

When my lowest leaves lay on my gro rocks they will look like your large one after a while.


New Member
Yea I used the directions in the bottle, but I'm not even at the strongest mix that the bottle tells you that you can go to... But back to my original question, why is it only that one plant and not the other 5


Well-Known Member
because every plant is different just like people, its obviously reacting to something and i suspect too much of something.


Well-Known Member
Yea I used the directions in the bottle, but I'm not even at the strongest mix that the bottle tells you that you can go to... But back to my original question, why is it only that one plant and not the other 5
What the frog said. I have a Northern that can handle 1500ppm in flower all day long. I have a White widow that takes 850ppm max and burns badly over 900. It's all about genetics.


Active Member
no water. one day.

then give them no nutrients for one day.

day 3, do they look happier?

Also mfg charts don't expand for your storage container size, so make sure your conversion chart is correct ;)
are you using a meter to test concentration after you change the water?

recently my water lines froze because I had accidentally made a Y trap in the line, and I didn't notice for 2 days. so they weren't even getting ANY water. the plants blew up nice and green. that let me know right there 4 times a day of ebb/flow was too much. cut down to 3 and they are so darn happy!


Well-Known Member
Drip is on a timer right? Too much water can lead to root rot, looks like that might be the start of it.