Plant heights

Capt. Chronic

Active Member
Hi, thanks in advance to everyones replies...

Anyway...just simple questions...

1) what is the average height of vegging plants before they are put into flowering?

2) What is the average height indoor growers like to keep their plants at before harvest?

3) how much space do you want between your HID lights and the plants at all times?

Sry. I know these questions have been asked but my search function isnt working...:joint:


Well-Known Member
Mine is :hump: once its working it should help with lighting questions, size of room and strain determine heigth and numbers please be more specific and one question at a time don't get ahead of yourself do some reading...bongsmilie

Capt. Chronic

Active Member
Cool sorry about that... It would be no more that 6 plants grown by hempy method. I would say the base of the grow closed should be 12 feet squared, the light would be the part that adjusts, up and down. I guess 5 ft would be high enough?