Plant help, Pic Included


Well-Known Member
I am having problems with plant #2 Seksu. The first set of true leaves are twisting and they have some yellow spots on them. I am thinking it was because I put her under the HPS too soon. After I noticed the spots I put her back under the CFL's. I am not giving any nutes so I have ruled out nute burns. The ph of the water is fine, so I am guessing that the HPS burned the leaves. Plant #2 was having problems from the start. The leaves were growing kind of strange. Bunched up and twisted looking so, I am thinking that its just a bad plant. Asobi (plant #1) is doing amazing. Lots of new growth since I put her under the 400w HPS. I am thinking it could have also been because i spritzed the plant with water and could have been burned from that.

