Plant is about to start flowering need help

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
the burnt edges and curled under tips are screaming too much food.

also you may want to find out what "leafs yellowing from the outside in, with dead spots (necrosis) on!"


Llama grower

New Member
I only feed at quarter strength and this didn't start till about three days ago When I gave it its first taste of ph adjusted water if that helps


Well-Known Member
It's a little burnt. Are you spraying neem? Dont spray in high temps. Or cut the rate because neem+heat/humidity=burn.
wish u had taken pix of the whole plant so I've given u my best guess.


Well-Known Member
It's a little burnt. Are you spraying neem? Dont spray in high temps. Or cut the rate because neem+heat/humidity=burn.
wish u had taken pix of the whole plant so I've given u my best guess.

Ya Bro overfert back off nutes and feed ph R.O. water hope this helps


Well-Known Member
WOW, nobody has a clue huh??? You have the beginnings of a toxicity, you need to flush with a mild nute mix (1/2 strength of what's recommended) and add Cal-Mag to your feeding schedule, it's the Mag def giving the "burnt rusty ends" look....AND, most definitely do not water in soil with R/O water, use tap water left out for 24 hours to evaporate the chlorine it has chelated minerals your plant needs....good luck


Well-Known Member
By the way....if you were over feeding your new growth would be lime green to yellow, not that nice green, but it does look like they are drooping from overwatering


Well-Known Member
If you just gave them there first ph'd water they probably have a build up in the soil due to ph lock out and giving them the ph'd water made the nutes built up in the soil available and they are starting to burn flush with water let the soil dry out and start feeding again and ph every time feed and water to prevent build up in the soil