plant leaf looking scary, 3rd day of 12 and 12, bag seed...


Well-Known Member
Im in my 3rd day of 12 and 12 I have two 600 what hps above 5 plants... tonight when i went to check on my lil beauties I found all the leaves droopy, did scare me or alarm, Im starting to get use to that, checked water and it was so all is good.,. then I noticed one leaf on one of my better plants (pic below).. Anyone know what is causing this? Also (and I suspect this may have something to do with it.) I started spraying the plants with tonic water to get some co2 going.. That has the leaves spotty looking like I sprayed them with sugar water.. I was going to to do this twice a day but after seeing them I wanted to post pics here first and get some input on whether or not this ok.. Any help would be appreciated.. For questions on my set up check my journal in sig...

first the strange leaf....

and here is the tonic water spotting

and this is just cause I love how shes looking!!!! and to show the droopy


Well-Known Member
tonic water Ingredients:
Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, natural and artificial flavors, quinine.

you ARE spraying with sugar water ;)

those rust spots could be caused by the quinine. but too me that looks like nute burn.

i think what you are looking for is club soda... read the label, all you want is carbonated water.

the droopiness could be caused by over watering... or if it is a hydroponic system, you may need to add air stones to increase the oxygen in the water... there are lots of reasons for plant droop.


Well-Known Member
tonic water Ingredients:
Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, citric acid, natural and artificial flavors, quinine.

you ARE spraying with sugar water ;)

those rust spots could be caused by the quinine. but too me that looks like nute burn.

i think what you are looking for is club soda... read the label, all you want is carbonated water.

the droopiness could be caused by over watering... or if it is a hydroponic system, you may need to add air stones to increase the oxygen in the water... there are lots of reasons for plant droop.
probably overwatering, ive upped it quite a bit since going itno flowering... I think my ppm is around the mid 900, My notes are in the grow room and in darkness.. cant check what I logged at the moment... damn I feel like a idiot with the tonic! lol Honestly though I thought I read that tonic was what you are looking for to get the co2... do ya think I have done any damage with the tonic?


Well-Known Member
just a little bit of leaf spotting ;)

when the lights come back on, lightly spray them with clean water to give em a rinse and then put it out of your mind and move forward :)