Plant life cycle outdoors


Well-Known Member
Hey, i recently moved my plants outdoors, they are in seedling stage but i was wondering does it take longer outdoors then in? if so how long, i have about two months until they are discovered...


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. Depends on the strain. For most strains you will be in trouble. Growing inside we force flowering by changing the light cycle to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. Since you can't turn the sun off you'll have to wait for fall to start flowering. You will still have to months left til they will be ready for harvest. VV


Well-Known Member
dang i have mine in a forest atop a ravine by a middle school, there is a fence surrounding a field and i planted outside that fence hoping it would stop kids from coming in, i planted about 500 feet in around a corner, but i dont think they will get much light... also its sorta on a path but there are a shitload of paths and not a lot of entrances i know of, im using all purpose soil and 6-8-6 fert i dont think the fert is too good though, it was all i could find, how often and how much do i have to water them? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I heard u can force flowering outside by taking 2 black plastic trash bags and puttin them over the plant for 12 hours a day.I'm probably gonna be doin that myself during the middle of next month cuz where I live we get frost in early oct sometimes it hits during sept.I figure it's worth a try


Well-Known Member
hmm ya thats a good idea im just worried about the stems and stuff bending and breaking, do you know if it will work for sure?


Well-Known Member
I have no clue but if u put em on loose I don't think it would do any harm providing u get big enough bags.U still want em to breath so a loose fit would probably be best.It would also protect against frost too so it's 2 in 1.Just try moving em to a shaded area cause u don't wanna bake em lol