plant maturity


Active Member
ive been doing a grow for close to three months now( 2 months flowering) with cfls and im just wondering if there are ways to make your plants mature faster. cfls are cheap and easy but they have caused me to grow anxtious waiting for the pisils to brown. Check out my current grow @ the link below


Well-Known Member
if ur runnin 12 12 and the flowering has seemed slow under ur cfls...u could start weekly and cut back the time 1 hr each week till there done..that may increase their finish time..if ur say runnin 26 w cfl..and ur in 12 12 switch immediatly to 42watters...strategically place cfls, as close to plants above canopies and down below and all around plants..on a daily basis adjust them to the plants needs as it grows..(cfls are tough require alot of adjusting to maximize their effects..keep them close as u can)..hope this helps..gettn itchy durring flower to pick is an all 2 common feeling " :)


Active Member
I went to a floro overhead and am using cfl's on the side now, it had the plant showing sex just a couple of days after starting 12/12 but I can't speak as to it speeding the time to harvest for some time yet.