Plant Problems HELP!!


Active Member
I am having some problems with my plant I am going to try to provide as much info about it as possible so someone can better help diagnose or help my problem.
Plants were started from clone, 30 days veg 30 days now into flower. Transplanted at beginning of flower 30 days ago. Using 10 inch clay pots
Using an organic soil blend bought from organic farm containing some organic compost, sphagnum peat moss, blood meal and rock phosphate.
using fish emulsion and bone meal fert. I think I over fertilized which is the reason for this thread. Just watered with Fert. tea and over fed them 6 days ago. Made a fert. tea and watered straight with that.
using 2 150 watt hps. What is the best way to tell when the soil is completely dry because I know I should probably flush the soil but I dont want to flush if its still wet because then root rot will likely develop. Please help.


Well-Known Member
Goto your hydro store and get some h2o2 concentrate and flush with that. You should prolly tell us the.. I dunno... symptoms or something for a diagnosis but do check the FAQ too.