Plant Recovery, Advice Please!!


hey guys,

just wanted to explain to you about my first grow im currently on and was looking for some feedback and tips

plant info;
ak-47 clone (5th week from cutting)
fafard premium potting soil (1-0.5-0.5) 4gal pot
ph balanced between 6.5-7
started off by using Ionic grow nutes, just switched since last feeding to advancednutrients grow a&b and advancednutes B-52
started the clone under a 75w hps light for about 3 and a half weeks then switched it under a 400w hps
lights 24/0 since day 1

so my plant was doing so well with the ionic nutes and under that 75w light. my problems began when it grew out of the 75w box where i then switched it to my flower box 400w hps to keep it vegging till just about right to plug in the timer for 12/12. I started off my transplanting my plant from the less than 1gal pot to a 4gal pot but didnt have enough soil to cover it when i moved it, so i decided like an idiot "oh im just gonna mix some of this miracle grow seed starter soil with my good soil" and i strongly believe i messed up the drainage hardcore by doing that (didnt add any extra perlite or anything) and also overwatered my plant. It doesnt end there, after the transplant i moved it into the flower cab where temps and humidity were not stable at all but i had no choice and out of time due to it growing bigger. When the plant was in there for the first day it was not only in shock from the transplant but it also had to deal with heat spikes up to 95f with humidity as low as 15%... after day1 i managed to stabalize the temps a little better (75-82) but i had noticed the plant had drooped a little and wasnt due to not being watered. on day 3 the plant drooped even moore and then it all began; for 10 days the plant drooped, leaves under curled, soil stayed wet, some yellow, some had black spots, yellowing of the sides, this plant was showing quite a few stresses.

i then decided to repot it once again (went out and got more good soil), replanted it about 4 days ago and it started perking up after 2 days. i waited till the soil was completely dry and pot was light (yesterday) and fed it some of my new nutes, today the perkiest ive seen it since before the droopyness started. new growth is looking great but some of the older branches and parts of the stem have a reddish brown color to it (some of the old leaf veins too), and the plant overall is looking a little lighter then before, what could it be, cal-mag maybe? havent used any all grow..

anyways, i would just like to hear some feedback on what i should do till i decide to hit the 12/12 to keep it as healthy as possible after all its been through.. here are some pics and thanks for the help!! on the newest pics i cut all the damaged leaves off, none of the current leaves have any damage to them, camera a little shitty so it might look like they do


note pics start from oldest to most recent (today)


Well-Known Member
looks salt locked...doesn't look like you got burn going on, so the plant got locked out from excessive usage of nutrients on the its retarding your water intake as well as your nutrient intake...only way to clear this up is to give it a good flush...get all that nasty nutrient gunk out of your medium...afterwards just let it sit for a good week without watering it and you should see it perk back up :)


thanks for the quick reply, i only watered her when i did the transplant, i dont think i necesserily overwatered but rather drowned the roots due to f'ing up the drainage.. its now in good new soil (as of 5 days) and starting to finally perk back up after i gave her water n nutes yesterday (switched from ionic to advanced).. just wondering what i should do now to get it completely back into shape


Active Member
I had a couple plants that got a combination of root root and nutrient lockout from probably over watering and fungus gnats, and they looked a shit ton worse than that. It took a couple weeks for me. The leaves that are wilty will perk up, anything discolored probably won't come back. I hate looking at shitty looking leaves, so once I have a good amount of nice green new growth I always cut them off. I do have alot of veg time left, and my trimming methods are a bit unorthadox to say the least.

I wouldn't water again until the soil is quite dry. I always try to err on the side of too dry, much better than too wet.


Well-Known Member
Overdosed...happens to me all the time. And with the miracle grow soil you are lucky it isn't worse with the drainage issues and what not...just stop giving any Nutes at all for a bit...add a few tablespoons of sugar to your next water and see what that does...if it doesn't help then flush as well as you that I mean when your arms are tired and you think you have ran enough gallons through the soil then you know you have about 4 gallons left to do...I always flush too little and just make the issue worse...So I kinda quit "flushing" everytime I water I water until the water running out looks really clear, and then I mix and apply whatever nutes, and if I do happen to overdo the N---which is easy to do and plagues me constantly...somehow...I am starting wonder if our well water doesn't already have nitrogen in it...eww...---When I first started using soil I didn't want to overwater but I felt compelled to do something to the plant constantly because I was excited so I would water a very small amount every day, or sometimes 2 times in one day...wasn't overwatering, but was releasing way too much nutes in the FFOF soil...really try the sugar water, if it doesn't help then flush but really really flush, because if you just half assed flush it will only get worse...and it takes a lot of water...A LOT of water for it to be enough...


Well-Known Member
Oh no...the worst part...the leaves that are curled down like claws won't straighten just fix the issue and watch the new growth...see if it is twisting and what not...if it is then you need to flush again...but the new growth should start growing in straight...and try giving a few hours of dark time...just a couple even...just to see if that helps things out after the flushing and such not...


Well-Known Member
Moisture stress due to 15% rh, not overwatered but under watered ,dont let the soil dry out when rh is so low and give the leaves a spray.


thanks for the help guys! dunno if i explained it right but, as of 5 days now i changed the soil and it has been perking right up... fed it nutes and just continued to perk back up... this morning when i woke up every single leaf on that plant is perky, 1 older leaf has a red tip, and i also found a yellowing leaf at the bottom of the plant completely yellow and dried out this morning, grabbed it and it just came right off, super dead. Im just curious, some of the leaf veins and stems have turned sorta reddish brownish, will that ever turn back green?? also im on the 5th week of veg (that 1 week of stress caused no growth at all), can i keep veging it for lets say 2-3 more weeks?