Planting ?'s

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Ok, so germination is near complete tomorrow im going to pick up some miracle grow potting mix, and I intend to plant. Im not sure of what to plant in though. I have a big pot, but ive noticed that many people of the website start off in small things, such as the big red cups or half of a 2 liter soda bottle. What is the reasoning for this?

I was wondering if I should plant in these cups and then move the best to the big pot?

My intentions are to grow one plant at the moment cause that all the space i have to have the plant reach its adulthood.


Well-Known Member
start in a smaller cup and move up it will give you a better root ball to start with and make your plant healthier and sturdier, it's also a bit harder to water seedlings in a huge pot properly. Another suggestion I would give you is not to use MG, I know a lot of people do use it without problems but just as many use it and have problems, just go out and get a premium (organic preferably) soil if your only doing one plant you won't need a huge bag so it won't cost you too much.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
start in a smaller cup and move up it will give you a better root ball to start with and make your plant healthier and sturdier, it's also a bit harder to water seedlings in a huge pot properly. Another suggestion I would give you is not to use MG, I know a lot of people do use it without problems but just as many use it and have problems, just go out and get a premium (organic preferably) soil if your only doing one plant you won't need a huge bag so it won't cost you too much.
Ill try to take your advice and look for some other soil, however my cars in the shop so my transportation to the stores are limited so most likely ill only be able to go to a walmart type store. Miracle Grow was the only thing ive seen there before.

Alright, one more question although its probably dumb when i have the plants in the smaller cups would they be able to stay in there long enough for me to determine the sex, or no?



Well-Known Member
not unless you begin flowering and then revert back to veg. I don't recomend this though at it can lead to hermies and the stress will slow your progress. Depending on how much space you have you should just wait until you are going to flower them to determine sex. If you are going full grown you can often determine sex before flowering but this will take quite a while and you will need to be growing some pretty big plants.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
not unless you begin flowering and then revert back to veg. I don't recomend this though at it can lead to hermies and the stress will slow your progress. Depending on how much space you have you should just wait until you are going to flower them to determine sex. If you are going full grown you can often determine sex before flowering but this will take quite a while and you will need to be growing some pretty big plants.
no see my problem is im space limited. Hmm...what to do?? :confused::confused:



Well-Known Member
hey man i would suggest planting you girl in the pot that you want to use for the full run it is not recomended to repot a plant more than twice many do but it isnt because they want to its usually because the plant is root bound,or another problem exists i put my seedling right into a 3 gallon pot i pack the soil well near the bottom and reduce the pressure as i fill then i gently place my seedling in this mass of a pot and she takes off like a demon from there.

and oh yea i have some advice take it as you will cause the grow is yours but i wouldnt use miricle grow it has caused me problems personally it is an unstable mj soil it is hard to control ph and nutes and will cause hot spots on your leaves if you have a over feeding accident try to use a safe soil like a fox farms or lightwarrior it is always the small things that make the big differences....good luck

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
hey man i would suggest planting you girl in the pot that you want to use for the full run it is not recomended to repot a plant more than twice many do but it isnt because they want to its usually because the plant is root bound,or another problem exists i put my seedling right into a 3 gallon pot i pack the soil well near the bottom and reduce the pressure as i fill then i gently place my seedling in this mass of a pot and she takes off like a demon from there.

and oh yea i have some advice take it as you will cause the grow is yours but i wouldnt use miricle grow it has caused me problems personally it is an unstable marijuana soil it is hard to control ph and nutes and will cause hot spots on your leaves if you have a over feeding accident try to use a safe soil like a fox farms or lightwarrior it is always the small things that make the big differences....good luck
Ok well this batch is gunna use miracle grow atleast cause its already to late. how ever i have but one 3 gallon pot to plant in. Would you advise putting all the seeds in there, like three if then
and then killing the weakest?

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
i planted yesterday and am wondering how i did. before i planted should i have taken the shell of thr sprouted seed?

and which way do you plant the sprouted stem goes down into the dirt right. because its like the beginning to the root system right?

Fungus amOnguz

Well-Known Member
well if ur gunna do a half ass grow miracle grow is no problem, as long as u dont add any nutes for a while, its packed with its own, and by the looks of how ur growing right now, u dont have any nutes or plans on using anyway, u really wanna get separate pots, its a pretty big effect on yield, root and light problems combined, thats like gettin fuckin in the mouth and the ass at the same time, who really wants that

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
So I got my light socket adapter Y splitter thing and I forgot to get an extra bulb so now I only have one higher powered one and a lower powered one. If i put them both on would that cause uneven growing or something?

Fungus amOnguz

Well-Known Member
never heard of it, but im guessin no because its all the same lumens, unless u have 1 plan on the low powered side, and 1 plant on the high, then yea one will grow more

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever tried to feed there plant some Gatorade or anything to use as a growing technique

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
I noticed that the leaves that are closer to the light on the tallest plant are turning yellow. Does this mean there two close to the light? There not really yellow just you can see a slight yellowish tint toward the middle of the leaves.


Well-Known Member
you need perlite!!! :( make sure your nitrogen levels are ok with the yellowing...burning will curl the leaves and even turn them me (from an unfortunate experience) ;) could be heat though

edit: ...gatorade?... if you want your soil to turn completely acidic...


Well-Known Member
it seems that you dont really want to do this correctly to me but good luck bro experimenting with a grow is one thing but expecting results from a scattered plan is only gonna waste your time trust doesnt take much cash to get setup if you are correct on what corners to cut...