Planting seeds??


Active Member
Hello RIU I am a new grower/member, I was wondering if its okay to plant your seeds as soon as they have a white root sprouting from them, or does it have to be a bit longer in length before u do so?


Well-Known Member
thats the tap root. you want to get that in as soon as it comes out. tap root (seed pointy side down) into your growing medium of choice.


Greetings, I have read that when the tap root comes out you put the seed with the tap root up , why cause it natural course is to hook and turn down, I did this just to see if what I read was right ahd here is the proof!000_0029a.jpgthis blackrose seedling I place in the soil with the tap root pointed up, I have done it both ways, the way to not have the long reach is put close to t5 light, or soak seed in water 24 hr then plant in soil, this is a picture of the soak way.

000_0027a.JPGnotice the two true leafs are very close to the soil, this way seems to elimate the long reach.

If the seedling do get to long, just prop up with thread and some toothpicks to help them out.


Well-Known Member
Greetings, I have read that when the tap root comes out you put the seed with the tap root up , why cause it natural course is to hook and turn down, I did this just to see if what I read was right ahd here is the proof!View attachment 1819716this blackrose seedling I place in the soil with the tap root pointed up, I have done it both ways, the way to not have the long reach is put close to t5 light, or soak seed in water 24 hr then plant in soil, this is a picture of the soak way.

View attachment 1819717notice the two true leafs are very close to the soil, this way seems to elimate the long reach.

If the seedling do get to long, just prop up with thread and some toothpicks to help them out.
i tried that with mine twice, and both times screwed my seedling all up. one was stunted indefinitely, the other just kept coiling around. not pushing up OR down. just growing inside the hole it was in. ill never do that again. plus, with the ones i planted normal, there was no long reach. nothing but perfect seedlings.


Active Member
Greetings, I have read that when the tap root comes out you put the seed with the tap root up , why cause it natural course is to hook and turn down, I did this just to see if what I read was right ahd here is the proof!this blackrose seedling I place in the soil with the tap root pointed up, I have done it both ways, the way to not have the long reach is put close to t5 light, or soak seed in water 24 hr then plant in soil, this is a picture of the soak way.

notice the two true leafs are very close to the soil, this way seems to elimate the long reach.

If the seedling do get to long, just prop up with thread and some toothpicks to help them out.​
lol man good job i dno how that little guy pushed his way past all those wood chips, touche bud cause i woulda never let that happen in a million grows for me and its my first time lol!


Active Member
Lmao i was once germinating seeds getting ready for them, and i forgot where i placed them in the container and like a week later i found them XD they were already growing literally stem and sprouted in the container. They were like 3inches each and i just planted them in soil yesterday and they are fine now. So not saying you should fuck up like i did but if you forget their is still hope. Ha they sprouted roots between the wet piece of towel i placed them in. I wish i took a pic


I am also germinating, this is my first time germinating my own seeds, my last grow I did it from clones.. what I did was take a shot glass and fill it half way with filtered water and put a seed in each glass, covered it with a black bowl and put it in the cabinet for 24 hours, I had to let 2 of them sit 12 hrs extra, just until I saw the case of the seed crack open. Then I planted the seed in my soil that I will be using the whole grow, about 1/2 inch deep, dont pack the dirt tight, watered it but not soaked. On the 2nd is when I planted them, I just gave them their watering yesterday the 4th, now this morning 2 have just sprouted out of the soil and I will prob see the other sprout within the next 12 hrs or so. Then when I start to see some leaves Ill be giving her the veg nutes


Active Member
would it be good to germinate them in no light? little light? or alot? cause i was told that some light is okay but not needed, and also would it be good to put them on a seedling warming mat to help with keepin them a good temp?