Plants are very weird need help newbie look !


Hi there first garden ever what a blast, anyways i have only three plants going at this time, one is taking off and the other two are taking for ever know i have one plant that the leaves are doing weird things curling down, but still growing, here are some pics, some one said heat issues but not sure how that is sense i use led's any help much appreciated, and and sorry for the caps will fix that next post



I have never fertilized them at all till today, and as for the heat stress how can they be heat stressed with led's for lighting there is no heat, and i have a fan running in the room
in the first 2 pics looks like leaves are curling down to avoid heat . but in the last pic looks like more light is needed and you probly shouldnt fert that early if you are. could be over watered. you need to list your setup makes things easier


sorry guys,

this is what i have going

three plants just some seeds i picked up from a friend, miracle grow soil, and two UFO Led lighting systems, that equal 400 each, I only water every other day and never sock the soil , very careful with the water, i also never fertilzed them till today, and I am using fox farms, and like i said just did that today. I am giving them 18 hours of light, a day, and I have running a charcoal filter, with fan. does this help at all ?
sorry guys,

this is what i have going

three plants just some seeds i picked up from a friend, miracle grow soil, and two UFO Led lighting systems, that equal 400 each, I only water every other day and never sock the soil , very careful with the water, i also never fertilzed them till today, and I am using fox farms, and like i said just did that today. I am giving them 18 hours of light, a day, and I have running a charcoal filter, with fan. does this help at all ?

hmmm try watering every 2 or 3 days umm still wouldnt use ferts yet def do not use MC you should try putting them under a different light to see if thats what your problem is. but i cant think of too much right now


Active Member
what about over watering them, i mean i only water every other day, could that be it ?

Yes, definitely.

Wait until they ask for water - leaves start to droop. Some may flame me for saying so but it will give you a better idea how often they WANT water. At such a young age, they can go for days without.

I have a handful of clones right now that haven't seen a drop of water in five days. They haven't asked for it yet. As soon as they show some sign of thirst, I'll know they've been doing their part and I'll do mine.

Especially with a nute'd soil, overwatering is bad bad. You're not just drowning them, you'll be over fertilizing them as well.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the only thing i would add c-mon is that only let them droop the one time then you will have a better understanding of when to water


Well-Known Member
Every other day is bad for plants that young. Every 3-5 days is better. When I look at some of my plants roots that I started to grow I noticed that with most but not wet dirt the roots went to the bottom of the cup within 2 days of sprouting. Like the guy said weeds find that water lol and if you don't believe me look at the weeds on your lawn. They have thick well established roots that I imagine are 10 meters long. Those are the weeds I hate lol. But yea water every 3 days.


Well-Known Member
I don't check soil for watering. I just look at the plants. Every other day is way too much, if you continue to water this much you'll likely promote stagnant water, leaf necrosis, and quite likely root rot... which is almost always fatal.

Roots need to breathe oxygen. They naturally cycle between wet and dry, cracking the soil to allow air to reach the roots. Over watering literally drowns plants by suffocating the roots.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
I would say buy some bigger pots for ur plants ur roots need space to grow. Your plants look to big for the plants by some big pots and transplant them into it. This should help them out.
