Plants getting to tall for space (pics)


Well-Known Member
I have about 4 plants that are getting within 20 inches of the top of my grow-space. They are 5 weeks old and in their 7th day of flowering. The tallest one is 24 inches and the other 3 are just about there as well. I am about to run out of room…how much can I expect them to grow? Is there anyway to slow them down? I have taken them out of direct light hoping this might slow them up a little. I am growing THC bomb and they are supposed to stay short along with Thai Stick. Turns out that 2 are female so i can't pull them if need be. Any suggestions????


Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
Bend them over. Tie them down.

They'll recover and have a nice graceful "S" curve to them.

My plnats get bent all kind of ways....


Active Member
dude i have exactly the same problem as you only difference is im heading for the ceiling in height i have also posted for the same info as you so if i get any i will let you know what i am told until then good look one other thing im a complete newbie but plants grow towards light if you tkae the light away wont the grow harder trying to find it i may be wrong so if so please correct me as i like being told when im wrong its a learning curve.


Well-Known Member
id bend em over and tie em into position so the top colas and the broadside can get the lights,just position everything so that you get maximum exposure to light m8, ul be fine. it will eventually stay like it.