plants hasn't grown at all in the past few days? first time grow


Active Member
when i got the plant it was a seedling about a week or so, it grew slowly at first, the leaves got more detailed and the 2nd set of leaves was growing apart from the 1st.the 3rd set of leaves have started growing and are 1cm in length but it has been that was for around 2 days and no progress. and 2 days ago is when i repplanted it because i found out the person who planted a seed didn't put enough soil and didn't plant it deep enough so i fixed that, it has a rather long stem because i didn't know plants stretch for the light but it stands up straight and i've been keeping it at 80 degrees with the 27 watt(100) cfl no further than 2-3.5 inches away. i have no idea what the seeds are or if they're outdoor or indoor.

my question basically is:
what can i do to get them back to growing?
and i heard that replanting stunts growth, and if this is the case and it's just a stunt growth when can i expect for it to start growing again?


Active Member
A watched plant never grows.this hobby takes patience.the shock of re-plant usually is over anywhere from 2 days to a week so your on the right need MORE light though cause thats not gonna cut it for long as shes standing up and stretching for light shes good and depending oin the seed it could be a slow grower.some kind of retarted hybrid bag seed.give it time and good luck.dont give it nutrients yet! you will burn her up she has all she needs for a couple weeks depending on the soil you used


im a first time grower too boss and all i can say is just give it a couple days. replanting it may stress the plant which is y it probbaly stopped and is getting used to the new soil. as long as its still looks healthy its all good. also try to lower the temp sum. not that its hella bad just lower temps unless ur are co2 enriching are usually better. better that its healthy n stunted than sick and dying right chief.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
when i got the plant it was a seedling about a week or so, it grew slowly at first, the leaves got more detailed and the 2nd set of leaves was growing apart from the 1st.the 3rd set of leaves have started growing and are 1cm in length but it has been that was for around 2 days and no progress. and 2 days ago is when i repplanted it because i found out the person who planted a seed didn't put enough soil and didn't plant it deep enough so i fixed that, it has a rather long stem because i didn't know plants stretch for the light but it stands up straight and i've been keeping it at 80 degrees with the 27 watt(100) cfl no further than 2-3.5 inches away. i have no idea what the seeds are or if they're outdoor or indoor.

my question basically is:
what can i do to get them back to growing?
and i heard that replanting stunts growth, and if this is the case and it's just a stunt growth when can i expect for it to start growing again?
Check the PH. Also, there's no such thing as indoor and outdoor seeds.


Well-Known Member
You know the plant is always growing, Just not always upwards right? It has something called roots which need to develop


Active Member
thanks for the help and info, i hesitated for a while on getting an account on a forum because of replies like "are you this impatient?" but yes i will focus on being more patient and leaving the house to forget about these guys (which i hope turn out to be girls) so they can develop on their own. i will look into enriching with c02 and getting more lights, it's just a desk lamp i already had which happened to be a Cfl so i just said eff it.


Slow down a bit - no need to panic. I find the more I futz around the more problems I introduce. First, roots grow first. Second, you need high humidity for new plants 70%-80%.

If you're preferred method is seedlings get a small foam cooler (like for brews) put your seedlings in the cooler and cover with clear food wrap. Poke a few holes to allow breathing.

Mist the seedlings often - 3-4 times a day.

You can buy a 2-4 foot fluorescent light (2 bulbs minimum) and put it on top of the clear wrap. DO NOT fertilize until plants take hold.


Active Member
I find that misting is not a good idea. (How often does a plant get rained on outdoors?) The only things i have discovered is by misting it promotes mold to start showing up in my happy enviroment. And you're also blocking surface area on the leaves to breathe. Thats my opinion, but no one know better than you, relax, dont stress. Give her light, water and some love, she'll do the rest. Good luck


New Member
plants actually pump nutrients upwards to nourish new growth. It has a name I cant remember right now but they actually have between like 12-170 psi in the outer walls of the stem. The way the pump works is through heating and cooling day temps should be 15 to 20 degrees higher than night temps. Transpiration also aids in this process, as water vapor evaporates from the leaves of the plant it works to draw nutrients upwards like a reverse siphon effect. This requires humidity to be low enough for transpiration to take place.
Soil moisture must be low enough for adequate air to reach the roots so that nutrients can be chemically altered into usable forms by the roots, this has something to do with anions and cations, I must have been stoned when I read about that, I don't remember much of it.
Also moon phases effect plant growth and my plants always seem to grow more on Wednesday, I dont know why....
Anyway alot of factors play in to it. Even knowing all that my ladyburn just refuses to grow, I dont know why.....