plants in the winter


Active Member
i'm new at this so if anyone could help me i would appreciate it haha. i started to grow indoors, but my mom found out and i live in literally the middle of nowhere, so i was just wondering even though its mid november and really cold, if i could plant them outside with mulch and cover them with a bag, would they come back in spring?


Well-Known Member
They will have a very long vegging period and be very big if they make it though winter to spring/summer. Just remember, they are not going to flower outside till atleast late august/early september. you might as well wait then risk winter.


Well-Known Member
actually i live in ak dude and they make these insulated covered raised beds for growing vegitables in dead winter its called a clod frame look it up theyre easy to bulid


Well-Known Member
btw nobody on here approves of growing while under 18. it puts your parents in risk. and it almost never works anyways its a hard thing to conceal inside the home. shit i had my bottom three dresser drawers hollowed out and the fronts made into a door and lightproofed the shit out of that bitch and one day some shit got stuck in my fan and made a bunch of noise and my mom found it. but now im 18 and i do wat i want when i want. i kill baby seals with my bae hands wateva i do wat i want


Well-Known Member
actually i live in ak dude and they make these insulated covered raised beds for growing vegitables in dead winter its called a clod frame look it up theyre easy to bulid
He was talking about just throwing some seeds in the back yard with a plastic bag over it. I would imagine your guys growing season in alaska is a bit different than in the pacific northwest also. I dont think there is any way he could hide a 5 foot plant in the back yard. unless he lives on a few wooded acres of land...


Well-Known Member
I am just speculating what I think would happen. I have never attempted a winter grow. Because I know the prime outdoor growing season for my region. I never said it wasn't possible, it seems like a waste of effort to try and hide a 5 foot plant in mom and dads back yard.