Plants leaning!!!!!

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
If they are still young then they will straighten themselves up soon enough or you can tie them up if you need to. As long as the leaves are not touching the soil all is well.


Well-Known Member
dont worry, it's just gangsta lean.... :P... tie them to a support thing, bamboo skewers n twist ties work for seedlings... jeje

Brick Top

New Member
It sounds like stretch due to lack of sufficient lighting. If so increase your lighting and then do one of the following. Stake your seedlings but do not tie them tightly to what you use for a stake. Then set a fan to blow on them so they move back and forth and side to side as much as can be allowed with the amount of room you left for them to move when staking them.
In nature it is wind that causes tree trunks and branches and bushes and plants to grow thicker and stronger. The lateral movement increases growth in trunks, branches and stems. Without any wind the plants lack the stimulation they would otherwise receive to increase that growth. A fan blowing on them will give them the needed stimulation to increase stem thickness/growth/strength.
Another option to pick is instead of staking them up you can replant them deeper leaving the bottom leaves roughly one quarter inch above the soil. The portion of thin stem that had been above ground will push out new roots so your plants root system will increase in size/mass faster and if you then increase your lighting to a sufficient quantity of the needed light spectrum for vegetative growth and have a fan blowing on them the new above soil stem growth will be thicker and stronger.

If you replant them deeper but do not improve your lighting they will stretch again and without a fan while they will grow thicker with sufficient lighting than they grew before they still will not grow as thick and as strong as they will with a fan blowing on them.