Plants not growing!

Hey ya'll well I been vegin 9 white widows for like almost to months now and 3 out of those plants are growing at all. The 3 that aren' growing are 5" tall and the rest are 1' tall. Im growing in miracle grow organic soil. Im using Advance nutrients,ph is 6.5 , lights are cfl's floros and LED, and temps very from 85 to 104 yeah it gets hot here in socal. Friends say I need Co2 but I have no clue in how that works.. Sorry I tried uploading pics but I couldn't thanks..
6 are growing on 3gal pots and 3 on 5gal pots. Will Co2 help me at all??
im was planning to use more lights because im growing on a 6x6 room and only have 5floro tubes 40w each. 4 giant cfl 100w each and 2 ufo Leds. I migjt need just a bit more light.


Well-Known Member
Are they healthy otherwise. When you have seeds of the same strain is doesnt mean they all grow uniform, some are just better than others. Pick out the best one and get a clone from it, then clone that and all plants should be be growing the same.
Are they healthy otherwise. When you have seeds of the same strain is doesnt mean they all grow uniform, some are just better than others. Pick out the best one and get a clone from it, then clone that and all plants should be be growing the same.
That sounds like a great idea. It could be my first cloning experiment haha. Thanks everyone for your help.


Well-Known Member
Did I read that right? 2 months and 5"& 1' tall:lol::lol::lol: Something isn't right I thinking lighting~How many watts per sq. ft. tatal are you give'em?:eyesmoke:Shoot for 50 watts per sq. ft.!


Well-Known Member
And the temps of 100 degrees fareinheight, thats like 37 degrees celcius i think of the top of my head! Too hot probably for a cactus!
Well I have a 10,000 btu ac running but cali is really hot right now..
I just noticed the plants that are growing are geting more light so im changing my lughts around. Thanks for all the help guys.