Plants too TALL!!! Already in flwr. What to do?


Active Member
Perhaps a strain which produces a smaller plant next time.....

Lol your right again bro, these were just some "starter plants" so to speak, Im thinking of ordering whitecastle or supersilverhaze from across the pond next grow. any suggestions for a pain killing, energetic strain?


Well-Known Member
break them or bend them. scary i know but they will survive. Rub the stalk or area you would like to fold her at and rub your index and thumb back n forth till she gets bendable or soft and bend over she will then bud from the bend down might try and curl up at the end and def will then will re -top if you will or get beefy at the bend up as those it is king cola. Or you can bend with bailing wire --- if the thought of bending is unfathomable.
That pic if you look close she is bent and see the tri top at the bend as well? that is a 10 inch bent top with a 6 inch base that went tri topped. about 10 days out from pluckin
Yup I've had to do that too many times myself. Do it like cali chronic says. It will crack and grow a knot on the stem but it will be alright it works