plants were doing so well....


Active Member
hey guys having a problem hopefully yall can help.
im growing uk cheese, ortega, bubba k, and cherry ak and at about 5 weeks into flowering i was told that mollases would pump my buds up so i fed all my plants for the first time with it. until than all my plants were looking great...fat buds and full lush green leaves, i come back 2 days later and the ortega and cheese were completely fucked up. almost all the leaves had become brown and extremly crispy and creeping up on some of the buds, i tried flushing but it seems to be getting worse. my cheese has practically no green leaves anymore but the wierd thing is that my bubba k is completely fine. no camera so i cant give out pics but i would really appreciate any help this is tragic...


Well-Known Member
What kind of molasses did you use? How much? I used Grandma's on my last grow with great results. I would mix 1 teaspoon to 1 gallon warm water. Are you using any other nutes?


Well-Known Member
It seems like half the people who use molasses get great results and the other half get screwed. I have been investigating this. Apparently, a large amount of carbohydrates in the soil can interfere with the plants ability to take up N. This could explain the problems that some are having. There is a lot more info about molasses to be had in the organics forum. That is where I found this method of using molasses which has worked for me with no problems.
Here is how you do it. - by Ohsogreen
"First use only unsulphured molasses, like Briar Rabbit or Grandma's Molasses (brands). Mix one ounce to one gallon of chlorine free water. If you only have tap water, let it set for two days & 99% of the chlorine will evaporate. Then you can add the molasses.
You can bubble (oxygenate) it using a cheap aquarium pump & air stone for at least one day. Or just pour it from one clean container (jug or bucket) to another a couple of times a day, for at least two days.
This provides extra oxygen to the good micro-beaties, they then eat, mutiply, & kill off - the not so nice micro-beaties. The longer you oygenate this mix, the more good guys you end up with. Their eating & pooping out the NPK (bioconversion) is what make it highly soluble. Over time their bioconversion reduces the N and pumps up the P & K slightly. Not a big shift, just a point or two.
This makes a good growth stage fertilizer (that's cheap).
Just mix it light the first time & water in lightly - like one quart per plant.
Start low & build slow. This prevents overfertilizing.
Use this mix one week & plain water the next.
You can add nutes to the mix, but remember your adding to a mix with a NPK of about 5-1-3 already"

I realize this doesn't help YOU much at this point, but It may help others who come across this thread, and it may help you out in the future. Although i wouldn't blame you if never used the stuff again lol.
Anyway I to am wondering how much you used and what kind, and some info on the makeup of your soil?


Active Member
thanks for the replys, ya i used grandmas unsulphered too..1 teaspoon per gallon which i fed with my superbloom, at this point i have flushed twice and the ortega seems to getting a LITTLE better but not much, the cheese still looks like a POS which is too bad because that was my best plant. now for my final question since it dosnt look like its going to bounce back should i pull my cheese and cherry ak since there are almost no green leaves left?


Active Member
oh and to itsgrowing my plants are all in MG soil, i started a new uk cheese 3 weeks ago in fox farms ocean and its doing great, most growth ive experianced between all my plants so far but that may be because im also using veg nutes which i didnt with the others...thx again


Well-Known Member
MG soil is probably to blame. It is VERY unpredictable. And you should not have givin them additional nutes (the superbloom). The water soluble time release ferts in MG can wreak havoc on a MJ plant. And when try to flush them it just releases MORE ferts and makes things worse. At 1 teaspoon per gallon the molasses wont harm your plants as badly and in such a short amount a time as you described. I haven't seen em but I wouldn't yank em. I would flush the holy hell out of em. Can't do any MORE harm right. If you can flush the crap out of em and get the MG chemicals out??? I dunno its worth a try. Put some hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the water you flush with, 1tblsp per gallon. That'll give the roots some oxygen during the flush so they won't drown. Live and learn, Good luck.


Active Member
alright ill try that, i was under the impression that the time release ferts in mg only lasted 3 weeks, but i find it hard to believe that this far into flowering the mg would completely destroy my plants like this, it just seems odd to me and suspicious that it occurred right after the feeding of the molasses. i appreciate the help growing, ill go on trying to fix this bs.