Plastic Cup Germinators Here's A Tip


Active Member
If you are using plastic cups to germinate your sprouts, I find that taking one cup and cutting it in half and taking a second cup and cutting 3 slots at the bottom for drainage and place the 2 halves of the first cup into the second and then fill with soil. Then sit them on a napkin on a plate. WHen it is time to transplant, water before hand to moisten the soil and then simply pull the whole cup off of the two halves and peel the 2 halves away you can then easily and with the least amount of stress transplant your babies.


New Member
no offense but thats overkill imho and wrong in 1 point also. when you transplant, its VERY VERY much easier if you let the soil dry out as this will cause the soil to be 1 solid "chunk".. wet soil will only crumble and fall apart when transplanting. But glad its working our for ya !


Active Member
no offense but thats overkill imho and wrong in 1 point also. when you transplant, its VERY VERY much easier if you let the soil dry out as this will cause the soil to be 1 solid "chunk".. wet soil will only crumble and fall apart when transplanting. But glad its working our for ya !

Dont know what you are growing in, but here if the soil dries out, it will fall apart due to the high percentage of perlite.

Cups are cheap and reusable with my method. Have the same 12 cup sets forever.

Also to get the pot ready that they are going into simply involves placing the whole cup in the pot to create a perfect size transplant hole. Hold the plant over the hole remove the two halves and gently place the entire cup shaped clod into the cup shaped hole and smudge the seams. Quite quick and convienient and then you can reuse them for the next time.


New Member
When I was doing it I didnt have any added perlite in the soil, jsut happy frog soil in small 6in pots.. and the dry soil came out all in 1 piece.. Granted I waited till it was a lil rootbound so I guess that DID help hold together.. But now I have some perlite added to this batch in 16oz cups so I may take ur advice as I didnt now the perlite would cause that.. thx for the info bro.


Active Member
Check out my profile that was a CFL grow with those same lights from start to finish got a 3 oz yield off one plant. added many more lights and MH and a HPS for the flower room unbelievable to see that I shave sprouts in less than 5 days