plastic whip fumes


Well-Known Member
I bought a vapolution 2.0 and just recieved it today. I set it up but placed the plastic whip first into the heat chamber and it melted it... i took it out but had some plastic fumes and particles stuck in the chamber. its still a bit black but i was able to remove the solid pieces. i did smoke after with some of the plastic but im unable to remove the melted black plastic thats stuck inside. any suggestions? i really dont want to send back since it took a while to get here. if i vaporize is it safe to use? stupid i know.
Also if breathed in plastic fumes how would i know if it poisoned me?


Well-Known Member
To answer the last question first, if you die immediately after smoking, you've probably been poisoned!

A bit more seriously, if you were inhaling burning plastic fumes, I think you'd know it. It would taste nasty and you'd cough. A lungful of burning plastic smoke, obviously, isn't good for you, but I doubt you'd die or suffer serious injury from it. More likely you'd start coughing your head off for a few minutes.

On the first bit, if I were you, I'd
a. read the instruction manual, then

b. cut off the burnt bit of tubing. An inch or so shorter of whip isn't going to change anything.

You can also probably get more "food grade" plastic tubing from a good hardware or restaurant supply store.


Well-Known Member
Did you not get glass wands with your vape? If you are melting your whip, you either have your unit set way too hot or have the whip too far down your wand.