Please give opinions - is my crop doomed?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Why did you post this two different times in 10 minutes?

And No, that does not look like a Hermie. It looks sweeled more then normal. But there are no NUT Sacks. Everyone always seems Hermiphobic. Like they pop out all the time. Hermies are way more rare then people think. Either that, or they should brush up on their growing skills. Even then, I have stressed my plants from time to time and have never had one go hermie.
Thanks, well being a new poster and grower I thought I fucked up since im usually trying to do everything on my phone. It just looked a bit odd couldn't really.find anything looking similar, and yes books and do research but am new to the game still. That being said any and all help is much appreciated


Well-Known Member
looks female, Easiest Way to Hermi a plant is to have Huge temp swings such as 80-90 lights on and 40-45 lights off.. that will fk your plant. for sure.
Yea before I got my flower tent the first two ladies were just in a room with my veg tent so 100% darkness never happened until about week 3 of flower! Just curious, also my temps swing from maybe 85 tops when the light is on to about 74-76 when off, any problems there?
Haha, thanks guys a little reassurance never hurts! Im gonna finish them up and see who is right (heavily on you alls side, fingers crossed)!! Thanks again, ill post just some pics when I get home of the beautiful ladies